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Eco Store December 6, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Blogging stuff, Health, Housekeeping.
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A little while ago I received an email asking me if I’d be interested in trying some eco- friendly goodies from Ecostore– “a NZ-based company that produces household cleaning and body products that contain no nasty chemicals”.

They promote their products as being:
•    plant and/or mineral based
•    free of nasty chemicals
•    using safer ingredients from renewable resources
•    formulated with your health in mind
•    safely super concentrated
•    meeting the highest environmental standards
•    having not been tested on animals
•    GE free
•    packaged in recyclable packaging

Sounds pretty good aye?

The products were offered to me to try without any obligation on my part to blog about them, just so you know and who doesn’t like to try new things?

Pretty soon a box of goodies arrived on my doorstep.


I’ve now been using these products for a month and I REALLY, REALLY like them.

First up to be tried out was the Citrus Spray Cleaner


Tried it out on my stove top. No hassle! And no scrubbing either. Kitchen benchtops? No problem. Dining table? Gentle enough to not disturb the the wooden finish. Shower stall tiles? No problem either. Shower stall glass door? Sparkling clean and again no scrubbing! Simply sprayed on, left for a minute and wiped off with a paper towel.

Best thing besides it working really well? NO chemical smell or residue anywhere. My kitchen and bathroom smell clean and fresh from the citrus based cleaner, but there is no chemical smell lingering in the rooms, nothing to irriate my eyes or my nose or set off anyone’s asthma.

Next up the Laundry Powder.

dsc00137 Again it has that nice fresh smell that the cleaner does and look at this! –


the powder scoop is teeny – it really is half a regular concentrate scoop.


My clothes have no residue or scent when they are dry, I can happily continue to not use a fabric softener and the box is lasting me AGES because I’m using so little. My clothes are just as clean as with any other branded product that I’ve tried. And I must say that I have been using the regular washing powder in my front loader with no problems at all.

I’ve used the Oxygen Whitener


on my kids white sports shirts and school socks. As you can imagine white sports shirts get pretty grotty and need soaking reasonably regularly and they are coming up quite nicely too. I’ve only come up with one or two stains that I’ve needed to take stain remover too and that would have happened if I’d been using my regular one as well.

And lastly the soaps.


I LOVE the soaps. I was sent 4 varieties of soap – Coconut, Manuka Honey and Kelp, Vanilla and Lemon Grass. I’ve only used the Lemon Grass and the Coconut soaps so far and they are  just lovely. The Coconut soap contains milk and looks quite milky on your skin as you wash and the Lemon Grass soap smells divine – very refreshing! They don’t lather up as much as regular soaps, but they don’t contain sodium laurel sulfates or any other of the chemicals that make regular soaps do that and I don’t mind one little bit!

I was very pleased when I found the washing powder, both top loader and front loader varieties, and dishwashing detergent in my local Woolworths supermarket last week.

I also found Eco Store Dishwash Detergent which I bought to try seeing as how the other products had impressed me so much –

dsc00144I don’t do a lot of handwashing as we have a dishwasher, but the little I have done was a lot gentler on my hands than my old detergent. Again it doesn’t froth and bubble like regular detergents, but bubbles aren’t what makes the dishes clean and a little of this stuff goes a long way.

Pricewise I picked up the dishwashing detergent for $3.99 for 500mls. My old dishwashing detergent was around $2 for 1 litre. I only need half as much of the Eco Store detergent so it’s no difference in money at all.

The laundry detergent was $8.99 reduced to $6.99. Considering that I pay up to $5 a box for washing powder normally and the Eco Store washing powder lasting at least twice as long due to the small amount used for each wash, it’s no more expensive either.

One of the big pluses – it’s all safe to run out onto my garden without having to worry about phosphates or other chemicals.

The best thing of all?

I have had no eczma since about a week after I switched soap and washing powder.

Ecostore say that their products are “gentle on the skin and the environment, without compromising on performance or value for money.” and my experience is that their products live up to that statement.

I really like these products, have already bought these products, will continue to buy and use these products and really encourage you to give them a try if you see them in a store in your area.

Now if Woolies would start stocking the Citrus Cleaner I will be one happy, green, housewifey chick!

Evil October 18, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Funny Stuff, Health, Ramblings.
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Evil is real and it lives amougst us. Here is it’s picture.

We discovered the evil plant of sinus doom growing over our back fence near our water tank a few days ago.

It sits about 12 ft up, peeking at us from over the top of the ivy vine that is our side fence, mocking us with it’s ‘multiple-hot-metal-spikes-of-pain-through-our-eyes-noses-and-foreheads-type-headache’ inducing scent. I’d been able to smell the fucker for about a week before I finally spotted it hiding up way up above our water tank. It will have to do better than that to avoid detection.

Oh but Jasmine is so pretty and it smells so nice I hear some of you say.

And I respond may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pubic hair with a request that you please consider the agony of hayfever and sinusitis sufferers that this plant contributes to and NOT plant it in your yard forcing your neighbours to stay shut up inside their homes all through spring without even being able to open a window in a vain attempt to avoid their faces feeling like they are going to fall off.

Now you’ll have to excuse me while I go learn how to become evil and start plotting the world wide demise and extinction of the evil plant of sinus doom.


I have to do something to amuse myself and it’s not like I can go sit outside with a book and enjoy the sunshine.

Busy Day Today September 17, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Family, Health, Ramblings.
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So ya’ll will have to excuse my absence as I go help PSLS’s nan have a shower, install Open Office onto my mother’s computer (because it’s the only office suite anyone should be using you know!) and I have a peasant skirt to make for my daughter by Friday.

It’s not like I can do much around here anyhow. Council are flushing the mains in our street this morning so I can’t use anything around the house that needs water.

And I’ll say I’ll probably need a nap later.

I couldn’t figure out why I’ve been so tired lately until I got a phone call from my gp after having some blood tests done last week. My iron levels are still low. It’s been ten freakin’ months since the hyster I thought they would have been ok by now. Anyhow, we’ll see what she’s got to say when I see her next week.

Have a good one!

Ahhhh Spring! September 10, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Health, Ramblings.
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Why do you hate me?

Sure you look pretty with all your flowers and pretty shit out in bloom like this

And this

And this

And the fields of canola so yellow and bright

And the Wattle trees all out in bloom

Forcing me to use all of these

Do you know how much I hate squirting things up my nose?

Do you even care?

Wouldn’t you rather it that I could enjoy you without the daily headache and stuffed up sinuses?




I have learned something about you Spring.

You might look pretty, but you’re nothing but a bitch!

Snot Much? July 4, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Funny Stuff, Health, Ramblings.
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I woke up very stuffy headed this morning ( you know it’s gonna be a shocker when you wake up with a sinus headache!) so needed to use my trusty sinus rinse when I had my shower. The idea of the sinus rinse is to wash out the gunk that builds up in the sinus cavities and in that space between the bottom of the nasal cavity and the back of your throat.

Now, to use this instrument of torture wonderful invention, you simply fill with cooled, boiled water then add a sachet of the solution stuff, then squirt the contents up your nose.

Do you remember jumping into the pool and getting water up your nose and how it burned and made your eyes water? Well if you don’t have the solution stuff or let the water get too cold this is what happens. Hurts like a son of a bitch!

So this morning I have added the solution, warmed the cooled, boiled water to the appropriate temperature (think testing baby milk on your wrist cos that’s how I check this too lol Who’d have thought that skill would come in handy for other things?), hop in the shower and rinse away.

With the first squeeze I had hacked up half a lung and blew out enough snot to fill a box full of tissues!

No wonder my head was sore and stuff this morning with all that gunk in it!

Feels much better now…………. except that when I bend over I have water dripping out my nose! lol

The bastards in charge don’t like fat chicks May 6, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Goals, Health, Weight Loss.
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Last night I watched Carson Kressley’s new show “How To Look Good Naked” and LOVED IT!.

I loved that he was taking ordinary women, helping them to look at themselves objectively, helping them to dress to fit their body type, show off their best features and how to feel comfortable in their own skin – something that many, many women are not.

I should know. I’m not comfortable in my own skin. And like Layla, the subject of the first episode, I feel awkward in my own body and I avoid mirrors. Being genuinely overweight doesn’t help.

I hate shopping. I hate clothes shopping. At 35, I find it damn near impossible to find clothes that reflect my own sense of style and my age, in my size.

I’m a plus size girl. And apparently we don’t deserve nice clothes according to the bastards in charge of Target. As punishment for my weight related sins, I am severely restricted in what clothing I can buy.

As my last pair of jeans finally wore through and tore up the thigh the other day, I had to succumb and go clothes shopping this afternoon. $37 for a pair of jeans. And that was at 25% off. Luckily I was able to find a pair of size 20 PJ pants that fit cos apparently if you are over a size 20 you do not get to wear pyjama’s. If you are larger than a 20, you are banished to poxy old lady nighties cos fat women don’t deserve to feel comfortable, sexy or simply have nice nightwear.

The same as you generally do not get to wear nice underwear either. Why can’t larger bras and undies be made in nice pretty colours too? Why do I have to part with a kidney at a boutique store in order to get pretty undies? Do you really think that fat women have a greater appreciation for skin tone brown than the rest of the population? Or do you just think that we are all a bunch of lazy fatties so you will be lazy too and not give us colour choices?

And why do the bastards in charge think that fat women want to draw more attention to themselves by wearing clothes that the 70’s rejected? No, seriously. I would really like to know!

And apparently fat people don’t feel the cold either. We mustn’t cos there were no freaking knits or jackets for us either. Anything bigger than a standard size 18 and you are out of luck. I realise I have a bit extra insulation, but I still feel the cold dear bastards in charge.

Ah fuck it. Time I got me some more cats, made myself a mumu and retreated to the comfort of my bed, cos obviously the bastards in charge don’t think fat chicks are fit for polite company or they’d provide us with half decent clothes.

It’s official. May 2, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Exercise, Funny Stuff, Health, Ramblings, Recovery, Weight Loss.
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I’m dead.

No really.

This is my ghost writing this for you to read.

It all started with that Gym Bunny thing you see?

And I was going along really well this week. Increased all my weights for the different weight machines, doing 30 minutes of cardio and then Lizzie got hold of me. Asked me how my back was going. Told me she thought I was ready for and needed some more ab/pelvis stabilising work.

So she showed me two more exercises using fitness balls and free weights to add to my routine, then she got me on the mats and showed me some fancy stretches and then she got me back on the ball and showed me some other exercises.

And now I’m dead.

She killed me.

Now I’m just waiting to be resurrected.
