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Smiley Saturday January 12, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in CJ, Family, Funny Stuff, Hubby, In Laws, Kids, Miss Lou, Parenting, Smiley Saturday, TJ.


I have had a few things to smile about this past week.

* Monday night I sat up with Miss Lou till nearly 3 am talking. I told her some stories about when she was little and she was cacking herself laughing. Things like when she fell off the trampoline and we thought she’d broken her leg because she refused to walk on it for 2 days or when she destroyed my pot plants, unlocked the backdoor, climbed the back gate and ran off down the back lane……… my neighbours found her and bought her back home before I realised the little imp was missing! Or about how she screamed her head off anytime anyone tried to take a photo of her in her flower girl dress on my wedding day. It was nice.

* On Tuesday Miss Moo decided that she wanted to earn some extra money, made a list of what she wanted to buy and how much they would cost, then started negotiating with me over extra chores so she could meet her goals. She’s 11. They weren’t all really frivilous choices either. I was so proud.

* On Wednesday while out shopping TJ absolutely cracked me up while we were in Target. After becoming completely disgusted with my point blank refusal to buy him a red $150 mobile phone he decided that he wanted a CD. I asked him what CD he thought he wanted and he pointed out the most recent “So Fresh” compilation. I said to him “But Miss Moo already has that one”. He says “But I don’t like her one”. Nothing like being contrary just for the sake of it! lol

* On Thursday the girls went to Grandma’s for the night, so TJ and I had a lovely afternoon of gamecube, DVDs and I got a nap before picking hubby up from work. I really enjoy that quiet mother/son time, it’s very precious.

* On Friday I had to laugh at my children all having mid afternoon naps!! Something none of them have done since they were three. Then Friday evening Miss Moo went off for a games night. She was a little nervous as she wasn’t sure if any of her particular friends were going to be there, but she put on her most confident looking smile and off she went. Her friends weren’t there, but she had a ball anyway. She’s growing up wayyyyyyyyy to fast!

* Today………….. today we all just hung out. Didn’t do anything special. Didn’t do anything much at all………….. and that’s really nice some days too.

Head on over to Lightening’s for more Smiley Saturday moments or to join in.


1. FreeFromItAll - January 13, 2008

Monday – ROFL!
Tues – we are doing the same thing. We have an 11 year old and he is so/so motivated by $$$. He’s mostly motivated by having a friend over or to go to a friends. (I think he’s planning his escape. 😉 LOL).

It sounds like you have a pretty quiet week (well for you, haha).

2. Casdok - January 13, 2008

Thank you for making me smile to!

3. magneto bold too - January 13, 2008

What a wonderful smiley week babe.

4. Marita - January 13, 2008

Many smilie moments there. Quiet time is great.

5. Peter McCartney - January 13, 2008

Your story reminds me of when we found our eldest child on top of the house many, many moons ago. The neighbours came to the rescue via a ladder. Was our son scared.. Noooo! He just waved and laughed to the amazement of the crowd that had gathered to watch in awe.

6. Bettina - January 13, 2008

lol Peter – I’m sure that this particular child of mine just KNEW with some innate instinct exactly how best to freak me out.

Marita – I love quiet time more than busy times

Thanks Kelley and Casdok

Hi Freefromitall my 11 year old isn’t planning her escape, just her aquisitions lol

7. Trish - January 13, 2008

Your week was impressive Bettina …11yrs a negotiator already I like enterprise.

8. lightening - January 14, 2008

Sounds like you had a wonderful week Bettina. Thanks for joining in again and making us all smile. 🙂 Sorry it’s taken me so long to drop by and comment.

9. Bettina - January 15, 2008

Thanks Trish and Lightening.

I enjoy the smiley saturday idea. It’s all too easy sometimes to not give a second thought to the stuff that makes us smile, this is a great way to help foster a bit of positivity!

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