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Why is it………….? January 16, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Family, Funny Stuff, Hubby, Marriage, Ramblings, Relationships.

That when hubby playful gropes me (say grabs my boob when I’m getting in the car), its a bit of fun and a sign of affection, but when I playfully grope him (say pinch his arse in the supermarket) I’m wanton wench?

I mean, come on!!

Hardly seems fair. Surely, given that we are coming up to our tenth wedding anniversary later this year, what’s good for the gander is also good for the goose?

Ten years.

That’s a long time. It’s nearly (but not quite) a third of my life (showing my youth here). Sometimes I wonder how he’s put up with me that long with my insane need to feel independent and in control…….. At. All. Times. (boy, have I had to work on that!), with my copious amounts of freak baggage from my previous lives,  with my completely dramatic and overwhelming frear of all things arachnid, with my ever changing hair colour (although it has been reddish now for a while), with my love of grumbling whenever and for however long the mood strikes me and with my fantasy delusions that I should have been a rally car driver. But he’s still around.

He’s a rock.

He’s solid.

He says that he knew the second time he saw me that I was “the one”.

I, of course, immediately decided that he was a kook and tried to run away, but he hung in there. I tried to scare him away and he stayed. I tried to push him away and he remained steady. He waited for me to finish being scared and start living again. And he has been there for me. We have our ups and downs and drama’s. But he is steady, secure and stable, he balances out my impulsive, rebellious and impetuous streak.

Right now though…………. he’s just gone to hop in the shower. It must be time to go have a perv! After all………….  isn’t that what any self respecting wanton wench would do?


1. Casdok - January 17, 2008


2. Anja - January 17, 2008

Damn straight it is! And when he gets out of the shower, you say to him “Shit, you’re so friggin’ hot”

Ya can’t tell me the dude doesn’t dig it? 😉

3. tiggymooshoo - January 17, 2008

You go girl! A wanton wench would have a perv and then jump in!

4. Nikki - January 17, 2008

Good God woman, my other half takes a friendly touch as a sign to take me then and there !!!!!! I so hear you !!!

Perv away, and as Anja says, ask him “do you work hard at being this good looking or does it come naturally?”

5. Nikki - January 17, 2008

P.S. I think you would make a good rally car driver.

6. Bettina - January 18, 2008

why thankyou Nikki.

He likes to be perved on. men like to feel sexy too.

7. boneblower - January 18, 2008

You wanton wench as much as you like luv 🙂 Will we see photos????? LOL

8. Talia - January 18, 2008

Hahaha, Love it! 😛

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