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Well Done TJ!! January 3, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Funny Stuff, In Laws, Kids, Learning Difficulties, Parenting, TJ.

TJ is a very…….  complex little man.

He made up his own language as a toddler. Everything in his world could be named or described with about 20 nouns, the most common one being “cup”.

Cup was his word of choice for anything relating to drinking or liquids. For example “cup” was his word for the following things – water, cordial, fizzy drink, coffee, plastic cups, drinking glasses, coffee mugs, bottles of drink. milk, a bucket, the sink, the tap, the bath, the shower, the toilet, peeing, the hose, the pool, a puddle, raindrops, the river, the ocean……… do you detect a theme here?

You can imagine him asking for a drink of cordial in his favourite plastic cup. “Mummy I want a cup of my cup in my cup on the cup”. Translate “Mummy I want a drink of my cordial in my cup thats on the sink”.  It was enough to make your head spin! I had to write a TJ dictionary that went with him to pre-school, Early Intervention and Speech Therapy. Thank God for mummy ESP! (the good kind Kelley, not the Jenny freak McCarthy kind)

Turns out that if he wasn’t sure what something was called that he would just call it by a word he knew. Suffice to say we did A LOT of vocabulary expansion with him before he could start school.

Last year though, I noticed that he was falling back into old habits where his reading was concerned. He started reading fairly well, but last year, as sounding words out got harder, he’d take the first letter of an unknown word and then apply a word he knew.  Crap! Yes it’s the same problem, but requires a different solution.

There is no speech therapy for school age children out here, so the school and I muddled through as best we could. His reading is improving, slowly, but he’s at the lower end of his grade.

Grandma (the lovely ex mil) gave the kids books for Christmas. TJ was given a book about dragons, in which the young hero has his name! Captured his imagination completely.

It’s a chapter book. He read a WHOLE chapter to me earlier tonight. With minimal help.

I’m so proud!! :):):)


1. Kin - January 3, 2008

Ohhh, I hope you can nip that in the butt soon! I STILL have that problem, it wasn’t really picked up til I was in year 7. I hate reading books where more than one character has a name starting with the same letter (like Michelle and Michael) cause I get them confused the whole time.

How proud you must be that he’s working through it. Lots of reading aloud helps me a lot.

2. Marita - January 4, 2008

Way to go TJ reading a chapter of his dragon book. That is fantastic.

3. Anja - January 4, 2008

Well done, TJ.

There’s the thing with getting kids up and running with reading; find what they’re interested in.

Can’t help but have a giggle that the ex MIL gives TJ a really useful and wanted present and the current MIL gives TJ something that isn’t worth a piece of shit. Hmm, now if only you could turn back time and have this hubby with previous MIL, life would be good.

4. Frogdancer - January 4, 2008

I like the above comment!

Speaking as a teacher in secondary school, I’m glad you’re putting in the effort now to get his reading problems sorted out. By the time we see them in year 7, it’s pretty much all over. My 3rd son had reading intervention done when he was in grade 1, and it’s saved his academic bacon. He starts year 7 next year, and he’s doung fine.

5. boneblower - January 4, 2008

Drum roll and horns blazing for TJ. Reading is soooo important and to find something he’s happy to read is brilliant. Keep up the great parenting 🙂

6. Bettina - January 4, 2008

Thankya thankya ladies.

He was skiting to his Nan (my mum – not the evil nanny) about reading the whole chapter in his book last night and making grand plans with his pocket money to buy the next book in the series.

**pats self on back**

7. boneblower - January 4, 2008

Are you kidding? That’s brilliant!!! Go TJ, Go TJ, Go TJ…………

8. Bettina - January 4, 2008

Nope. Dead serious.

We often get a treat on shopping day for the kids and I never knock them back if they ask for books/comics/magazines (as long as its reading material) so buying his own books is not a “out there” concept for him.

9. kim - January 4, 2008

Yay!!! My son Dave thought reading was B.O.R.I.N.G then along comes J.K Rowling yippee…

and double yippee for grandma!!!

cheers Kim

10. tiggymooshoo - January 4, 2008

Congratulations to TJ!

You should be proud. and so should he.

11. So many……. « Dances to the beet of her own drum - January 5, 2008

[…] The result? My girls are voracious readers too. Miss Lou, 13, is currently reading LOTR, the Eragon series and anything else in that genre she can get her hands on. Miss Moo, 11, yesterday chose for herself The Wizard Of Oz, and Treasure Island.  TJ – well you saw my post yesterday. […]

12. Just Read More « Dances to the beet of her own drum - October 16, 2008

[…] this year I discussed how as a little tyke he had a very limited vocabulary, and how I thought this was impacting his reading development now. What I didn’t discuss at […]

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