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damn! November 15, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Blogging stuff, Hubby, Ramblings, TJ.
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You know what else I hate about warmer weather besides the bugs?


Yup you heard me.

And if you think that it’s unpatriotic of me then you can sod off.

Time to start hiding the remotes from PSLS …………………..

Meantime Guera tagged me for this meme ‘Sixth and Sixth’ where you post the 6th photo in the 6th folder on your computer (or Flickr account or picassa account or phone or wherever you keep your photos).

Easy peasy huh? So the sixth folder is September 08 and the sixth pic is this –


Ah yes, a pic of the storm that I was driving into coming home from Dubbo one afternoon. Oh that’s boring, I’ve already posted about that. Hmmmm oh hold on. Trisha has a very similar meme going too – same principle, but the Fourth and Fourth. Let’s have a little looksee………

Ahhhh the train being loaded……..


Trains aren’t a common sight around these parts now with all the line closures.


When we spotted this train being loaded on our travels a few weeks back we grabbed the camera to take pics for TJ who we knew would be very interested in the machinery they use to shift those containers.


We must have sat for a good half an hour watching. I was just disapointed that they didn’t load a container onto the section of train just in front of us. Where they were loading was blocked off.


But still, pics of them moving the containers in front of us were found to be just as fascinating by the small man.


Now do I tag six people or four? hmmm

How about you tag yourself if you’d like to do either one?


1. Jayne - November 15, 2008

2 for 32 πŸ˜›

You can keep your cricket scores to yourself. πŸ˜› ~ B

2. Anja - November 15, 2008

Cool pictures.

TJ thought so πŸ™‚ ~ B

3. kaylee2 - November 15, 2008

I love the pics!

It was pretty cool to watch. πŸ™‚ ~ B

4. kaylee2 - November 15, 2008

wait you h ave that much time in your day/night to sit around and watch a train being loaded? πŸ˜‰

Nope. But you know what they say about stopping to smell the roses (or in our case watching the trains……… ) πŸ˜‰ ~ B

5. lightening - November 15, 2008

I loathe cricket season too!!! Sooooo boring………….*snore*

Move over, there’s room for two to snooze on that lounge! πŸ˜‰ ~ B

6. Guera - November 15, 2008

I actually don’t mind the cricket, in a “have it on in the background” kind of way.
All the same, I’m not too unhappy it won’t be played much in our house this year. πŸ™‚

Even that annoys me. But then I’m not really a telly on in the background kinda gal. ~ B

7. river - November 15, 2008

Cricket, shmicket. Ditto football, soccer, golf, tennis, basketball, netball, hockey, anything that involves balls really. I’m not a sports fan. Give me a good book and a box of choccies anyday.

I love you River. πŸ˜† ~ B

8. PlanningQueen - November 15, 2008

My youngest is obsessed with all big machinery and would have loved to sit there for half an hour and watch this too!

Big machines are the way to small boys hearts πŸ˜‰ lol ~ B

9. magneto bold too - November 16, 2008

Cricket. Meh.

Only upside is my besties husband plays cricket so we can have winey gossip sessions while he is gone.

Wait. She is pregnant. Dammit. Oh well, more wine for me!

lucky you! ~ B

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