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No rest for the wicked June 27, 2008

Posted by Mistress B in Ramblings.

It has been such a huge, huge week for me.

A day course last Saturday, trying to get the weeks worth of washing done on Sunday, school canteen on Monday, TJ home sick on Tuesday, cadets on Wednesday, school athletics carnival yesterday, then school canteen again today followed by CJ’s speech at assembly and TJ getting two awards.

Then I got home this afternoon to discover that I’d run out of kindling so had to chop wood.

Then when I went to make tea I discovered that we’d run out of potatos.

It’s too cold to go out.


I’m stuffed.

And I’m cold.

And did I mention I’m tired?


And the fucking cat keeps jumping on my keyboard making my screen flash and change and leaving me with garbled gobblydedook in my text box.

I might be a little grumpy as well.

And then someone told me that my bluntness intimidates them and then went on to say that they were sure I was snorting at them saying that. I wasn’t. I know some people find me intimidating. I know some people think I have ‘attitude’. I know some people think that I’m a lot tougher than I am because I can be fiery.

But then some people take this tendancy to be blunt as being uncaring of others feelings or of not caring what they think.

Which isn’t the case at all. I just don’t see the point in mincing words in difficult situations. I don’t see the point in dancing around subjects without ever getting to the heart of them. I don’t see the point in prolonging unpleasantness in long winding conversations.

I can be tactful.

But I’d rather say my piece and be done with it.

Or wash my hands of it completely.

Life’s too short to waste on bullshit.

This apparently makes me a not very nice person.

wv `l;. and there goes the fucking cat again. *taps cat on the butt*

The reality is that I don’t have much patience for crap. I have no tolerance for drama. I have no energy for game playing. It’s not that I don’t care what other people are thinking or feeling. It’s more that I have lived through too much shit to be bothered playing along with more now.

I know I can seem harsh, but I need to protect myself.

I know I can seem hard, but if I didn’t laugh I’d cry.

I know I can be fiery, but if I wasn’t passionate I’d have lost everything.

And perhaps before people judge me, they should take a walk in my shoes.


1. Gemisht - June 28, 2008

Ohhh sounds like a huge week and that someone has got to you. Don’t worry about them, hope you get a great nights sleep tonight and a chance to rest and recuperate over the weekend.


Gem 🙂

2. Anja - June 28, 2008

Babe, never forget, oh fuck never forget. Oh damn, you know what I mean… I’m there.

3. widdleshamrock - June 28, 2008

B is for beautiful babe, not biartch.

Love ya.

Your blog is exactly what Mr S and I were talking about this morning.

4. Pure Evyl - June 28, 2008

I thought you wore boots. 😉

5. Lisa Black - June 28, 2008

Oh Bettina, I hope you got some rest.

People say the same thing about me too, hence why i only really play with the internet world now.

Hugs Honey.

6. tiff - June 28, 2008

Just hugs, ok?
Life can suck sometimes and people can suck more, especially when they can’t see the big picture.

7. Casdok - June 28, 2008

You cant beat passion!
Hope you get some rest.

8. planningqueen - June 28, 2008

I respect and enjoy your honesty Bettina 🙂 .

9. river - June 28, 2008

Not sure what this is all about, but sending good wishes your way. Personally I love your attitude. It’s who you are. It’s what you are.

10. Jayne - June 28, 2008

Ah, embrace and revel in your bluntness for it’s usually the ones who like to play games and pussy-foot around the truth who are unable to cope with bluntness in others – because calling a spade a fucking shovel does not leave any room for words being twisted, half-truths or gossip spun out of your conversations 😉

11. Musings ~ Relationships and Loyalty « The musings of a green knee capping leprechaun - June 30, 2008

[…] S made a few observations. Ones that I didn’t really think about until I read this and this and […]

12. Trish - June 30, 2008

yes I needed to read this … I know some blunt people I rather have blunt then asshats who stuff around getting to the point of their junk and game playing.

I love this quote :
” the reality is that I don’t have much patience for crap. I have no tolerance for drama. I have no energy for game playing. It’s not that I don’t care what other people are thinking or feeling. It’s more that I have lived through too much shit to be bothered playing along with more now.”

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